FTP Manager in Web Hosting
The Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with all our Linux web hosting, offers a function-loaded FTP Manager tool that will grant you total control over all FTP accounts in your web hosting account. Creating or deleting an account takes literally only one single click of the mouse and all the accounts that you’ve got at any given time will be shown in alphabetical order, so you can swiftly find the one that you want. You’ll also be able to see what folder an account can connect to and by clicking it, you can change it. If you’d like to connect to your hosting space using an FTP client application like Core FTP or FileZilla, you can download an auto-config file for any of the FTP accounts and run it on your computer – the account in question will be set up without you having to do anything manually yourself. Additionally, you can see a list of all the domains or subdomains which you are able to use.