Server Side Includes (SSI) really is a list of directives that will allow you to contain the content of a text file in an HTML file. In this manner, you'll be able to add any kind of content to numerous web pages in your website and adjust it by just modifying just one text file. You're able to additionally incorporate the output of various scripts in order that the present time and date, the IP address of the visitor or the properties of some file show up on your site. This shall let you add in some dynamic content to static web pages, making the website more desirable to your visitors and giving it a more professional appearance. It will also be easier to update this content when compared with editing every static page one by one. If you would like to use Server Side Includes in your website, the web pages that include the content of any kind of file must be with extension .shtml.

Server Side Includes in Web Hosting

Server Side Includes is available on our modern cloud hosting platform, so whatever the Linux web hosting that you choose, it will be possible to use this feature making your website much more dynamic. All that you will need to do is to create a file called .htaccess in the home folder for the domain or subdomain in which you would like to use SSI and add a couple of lines of code inside. You'll not require any kind of coding skills though, as you're able basically copy the needed code from our help section, or our technical support can help you activate SSI for any specific site. You just have to modify the extension of the html file that will employ Server Side Includes to .shtml and make sure that all of the links to those web pages on the site are correct.